matters & members
Berit Greinke
Britta Bommert
Lisa Meier
Lesiba Mabitsela
Melchior Rasch
Oliver Ibert
Patrick Presch
Renate Stauss
Tanveer Ahmed
Valeska Schmidt-
Wowo Kraus
Zowie Broach
Berit Greinke
Britta Bommert
Lisa Meier
Lesiba Mabitsela
Melchior Rasch
Oliver Ibert
Patrick Presch
Renate Stauss
Tanveer Ahmed
Valeska Schmidt-
Wowo Kraus
Zowie Broach
fashioning education is a collaborative research initiative to open, facilitate and formalise the debate on fashion education against the backdrop of global social transformations.
It brings together experts and creatives from different fields of fashion related education, research and practice into critical conversation and exploration of the transformative potential of fashion education.
The intiative seeks to contribute to the reflection, networking and re-orientation of fashion education that meets the demands of a sustainable, social and conscious future. The three-year project is funded by the Einstein foundation and jointly led by the colleagues of the Fashion Institute of the Berlin University of the Arts Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen, Franziska Schreiber and Renate Stauss.
Fashioning education is currently shaped by the following members:
Berit Greinke
Berit Greinke is a junior professor in Wearable Computing at Berlin University of the Arts and Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF).
© Florian Conrads
Britta Bommert
Britta Bommert has been curator of the Fashion Image Collection –Lipperheide Costume Library of the Art Library (National Museums in Berlin) since 2017.
Britta Bommert
Britta Bommert has been curator of the Fashion Image Collection –Lipperheide Costume Library of the Art Library (National Museums in Berlin) since 2017.
© David West
Christina H. Moon is an Assistant Professor of Fashion Studies in the School of Art and Design History and Theory at Parsons School of Design.
Christina H. Moon is an Assistant Professor of Fashion Studies in the School of Art and Design History and Theory at Parsons School of Design.
© dvoraphoto
Dilys Williams
Prof. Dilys Williams FRSA is founder and Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion, a University of the Arts London Research Centre, based at London College of Fashion.
Dilys Williams
Prof. Dilys Williams FRSA is founder and Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion, a University of the Arts London Research Centre, based at London College of Fashion.
Franziska Schreiber
Franziska Schreiber currently holds a visiting professorship in fashion design for „body I fashion I digitally“ at the Berlin University of the Arts.
© Matthias Seidel
Lisa Meier
Lisa Meier holds a professorship for film costume design at the Berlin University of the Arts.
Melchior Rasch
Melchior Rasch is enrolled in BA fashion design course at the Berlin University of the Arts since 2021 and member of the student council design.
Lesiba Mabitsela
Lesiba Mabitsela is a South African interdisciplinary artist, designer and Fashion practitioner currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mabitsela’s practice incorporates visual art and design with critical fashion and performance studies in his
exploration of African masculine identities.
© IRS Felix Müller
Oliver Ibert
In July 2019 Oliver Ibert took over the position of the director of the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space and was appointed as Professor of Socio-Spatial Transformation at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Oliver Ibert
In July 2019 Oliver Ibert took over the position of the director of the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space and was appointed as Professor of Socio-Spatial Transformation at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
© Ronja Wiesenthal
Patrick Presch
Patrick Presch has worked as a Curator of Education in the Education and Outreach department of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin since 2014. He is currently part of the project management of Haus Bastian, the Centre for Cultural Education.
Patrick Presch
Patrick Presch has worked as a Curator of Education in the Education and Outreach department of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin since 2014. He is currently part of the project management of Haus Bastian, the Centre for Cultural Education.
Renate Stauss
Dr. Renate Stauss is assistant professor of Fashion Studies at The American University of Paris in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture.
mother and I in hijab, 1990s
Tanveer Ahmed
Tanveer Ahmed (she/her) is a PhD candidate at The Open University and has been appointed as senior lecturer in Fashion and Race at Central Saint Martins College, University of the Arts London.
Tanveer Ahmed
Tanveer Ahmed (she/her) is a PhD candidate at The Open University and has been appointed as senior lecturer in Fashion and Race at Central Saint Martins College, University of the Arts London.
Valeska Schmidt-
Since 2005 Valeska Schmidt-Thomsenis professor of Fashion Design at Berlin University of the Arts and was managing director of the Institute for Fashion- and Textile Design at Berlin University of the Arts until 2019, when she took over the position as Dean of the College of Architecture, Media and Design.
Wowo Kraus
Wowo (Waldemar)
Kraus studied fashion design at the London College of Fashion and at Middlesex University in London. Since October 2014 he has been a professor of fashion design at the University of the Arts Berlin.
© Maxyme G. Delisle
Zowie Broach
Zowie Broach is Head of Programme for Fashion (MA) at the Royal College of Art London.
Zowie Broach
Zowie Broach is Head of Programme for Fashion (MA) at the Royal College of Art London.
She has been voted into the top 500 Fashion Leaders by Business of Fashion for the last 6 years.
Berlin University of the Arts
is one of the largest and most diversified universitiesof the arts in the world. The teaching offered mostly in traditional formats in thefour colleges of Fine Arts, Architecture, Media and Design, Music andPerforming Arts as well as at the Central Institute for Continued Education/Berlin Career College as well as the inter-University centres for Dance (HZT) andJazz (JIB) encompasses the full spectrum of the arts and related academicstudies in more than 70 courses. With the right to confer doctoratesand post-doctoral qualifications, Berlin University of the Arts is also one of the few artcolleges in Germany with full university status. Teachers in art and music arealso educated at Berlin University of the Arts, the only university in Berlin wherethese subjects can be studied.
The Einstein Foundation Berlin
was founded in 2009 by the State of Berlin. The Foundation aims to promote science and research of top international calibre in Berlin and to establish the city as a centre of scientific excellence. In addition to its endowment, the Foundation also receives state funding. An independent scientific commission of the highest standard selects projects for funding