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© Maxyme G. Delisle

Zowie Broach

Zowie Broach is Head of Programme Fashion (MA) at the Royal College of Art London.
Since arriving in 2015 she has radically changed the paradigm of what it means today to consider how we might design in fashion, emphasising the importance of artistic and intellectual experimentation.

Zowie previously co-founded the label BOUDICCA, the first independent British Label to show during Couture, Paris, as well as exhibit at and become part of the permanent collections in a number of international museums, such as Chicago Arts Institute and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NewYork. Whilst at the RCA, fashion has established a new series of platforms – Future Systems, Digital 360 and Bio as Design that expand the practise of Fashion. This is not exclusive of values, economy and philosophy of self; taking on board the myriad of potentials that need investigating to assure a practise that can reveal and express the question of identity for our future.

Zowie Broach has been voted into the top 500 Fashion Leaders by Business of Fashion for the last 6 years and is an advisory member both for Open Cell (biotechnology and synthetic biology start up labs) and Fashion Round Table (a leading think tank that influences policy and industry behaviours)

fashioning education

Berlin University of the Arts
College of Art, Media and Design
Institute of Clothing and Textile Design

Strasse des 17. Juni 118
10623 Berlin

+49 (0)30 3185 2016

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project leads & editors
Prof. Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen
Prof. Franziska Schreiber
Dr. Renate Stauss

visuals & website
Gina Mönch
Anastasia Almosova

© 2021